6-11 years
Una etapa clau: Descobriment i desinhibició.png)
Durant aquesta fase, aprenen a llegir i escriure en anglès. A més, amplien el seu vocabulari i aprenen a utilitzar estructures i temps verbals bàsics de l’idioma.
A classe, practiquen la llengua de forma divertida i dinàmica amb professors nadius i mitjançant una gran varietat de tècniques. A partir del tercer curs fan deures a casa cada setmana sobre allò que han après a classe. També oferim la possibilitat que els nens facin dos exàmens oficials Young Learners de la Cambridge University:
- Pre A1 Starters
- A1 Movers
Aquests exàmens són gratificants i motivadors, i serveixen per familiaritzar-se amb els futurs exàmens oficials.
Cada pas és important!

Des de Cambridge School, guiem i acompanyem els vostres fills en l’aprenentatge de l’anglès al llarg de totes les seves etapes de creixement i formació.
El nostre pla d’anglès per a nens i joves es diu Objectius Cambridge, i és una guia per facilitar que els nostres alumnes més joves assoleixin els seus objectius lingüístics abans d’acabar l’educació secundària.
En aquest sentit, és important saber que fins i tot aquestes primeres passes en l’anglès han estat dissenyades pensant en el seu futur.
Pas a pas, step by step.
Demana'ns ara el Pla Personal de Formació per als teus fills.

Com més aviat comencen els alumnes, més suau i progressiu és el seu procés d’aprenentatge fins a assolir els Objectius Cambridge!
La introducció a l’anglès es fa a poc a poc al llarg de la vida acadèmica del nen/jove:
- A Infantil: 1h o 2h a la setmana
- A partir de Primària: 2h o 3h a la setmana
- Ja d’adolescents: 3h a la setmana
Voleu saber-ne més?
Simplement, feu-nos una visita.
In the levels for younger students, children do 2 hours of class a week, either in one or two classes. From level N5, children do 3 hours a week. In this stage of their learning, children learn to read and write in English. They also expand their vocabulary and learn how to use the basic verb tenses and structures. In the classroom, the children practice their English in a wide range of fun activities. From the third year of primary school on, they get weekly homework on what they learn in class.During this stage, we also give the children the option to do the two University of Cambridge official exams: Starters and Movers.
- Consolidate the children's English language base, building upon it through the different levels to achieve a much higher than average level for their age.
- Help the children acquire a vocabulary of approximately 2000 keywords.
- Give students the confidence to use the main grammatical structures.
- Develop basic listening, oral and written skills.
- Insist upon correct writing and spelling.
- Introduce the children to the official Cambridge exams and give them the option to do the Starters and Movers exams.
- From year T2, obtain the certificate from the University of Barcelona’s School of Modern Languages (EIM) recognising English level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

At the Cambridge School, we follow the "Communicative Method", whereby students use the language they study from their first day in the classroom. Although students study the grammar and vocabulary by reading and writing, emphasis is placed on making sure they are capable of communicating, hence there is a lot of listening and speaking practice.
Learning with native English teachers offers a range of advantages including the perfect correction of pronunciation and the natural selection of vocabulary.
The classes are varied, dynamic and highly interactive, and each classroom has an interactive projector to create an even more dynamic environment. Teachers use games, interesting texts and audiovisual material to facilitate learning and ensure assimilation.
Our courses are clearly structured and programmed. Each level uses a course book complemented by multimedia material and a reader. From the third year on, students get weekly homework to consolidate the work done in class.
- The children's progress is regularly assessed via marked written work, monthly tests and, for 10 and 11-year-olds, semester exams.
- Parents receive a written report each trimester on their child's progress and behaviour and are invited to two individual meetings with the teacher.
Our strengths
- All our teachers are qualified native speakers of the languages they teach.
- Small groups, with a minimum of 5, which ensures adequate time for student speaking-practice and monitoring.
- Parents are informed on the child's integration in class, their behaviour and progress via regular written reports and personal interviews each semester with the teacher.
- From level T2 on, students are awarded a certificate from the University of Barcelona’s School of Modern Languages recognising their level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- 2 formats to choose from: face-to-face classes and videoconference classes.
Si ja ho teniu clar, aquí podeu consultar horaris i preus dels cursos.